Are Perfect Match’s Bryton and Elys Still Going Strong?

Fans of the hit Netflix reality series “Perfect Match” have been eagerly following the rollercoaster relationship between contestants Bryton Constantin and Elys Hutchinson. The charismatic pair captured the hearts of viewers with their undeniable chemistry and emotional journey throughout the show. But now that the cameras have stopped rolling, the burning question on everyone’s mind is – are Bryton and Elys still together?

Are Elys & Bryton Still Together From Perfect Match? She Just Revealed…

In the finale of “Perfect Match,” Bryton and Elys solidified their connection, leaving the villa as an official couple. Their declaration of love and commitment to one another was a heartwarming moment that had fans swooning. However, the true test would come in the months after filming, as the pair navigated the challenges of transitioning their televised romance into the real world.

Fortunately, it seems that Bryton and Elys have managed to keep their relationship strong and intact. The two have been spotted together on numerous occasions, sharing affectionate posts on social media and openly gushing about one another in interviews.

“Elys is my person,” Bryton recently told reporters. “We’ve been through so much together, both on and off the show, and our bond has only grown stronger. I’m so grateful to have found my perfect match in her.”

Elys echoed similar sentiments, expressing her unwavering adoration for her boyfriend. “Bryton is the most caring, supportive, and genuine person I’ve ever met,” she said. “We balance each other out perfectly, and I truly believe we’re in it for the long haul.”

The couple’s commitment to maintaining a healthy, thriving relationship off-camera has not gone unnoticed by their devoted fanbase. Followers have been quick to praise Bryton and Elys for their authenticity and willingness to put in the hard work required to make their love last.

“It’s so refreshing to see a ‘Perfect Match’ couple who are still together and stronger than ever,” one fan commented on Instagram. “Bryton and Elys are the epitome of #relationshipgoals. They give me hope that true love can be found on reality TV.”

As Bryton and Elys continue to navigate their lives together, fans remain hopeful that their relationship will only continue to blossom. With their unwavering support for one another and their determination to make their love last, it seems that these “Perfect Match” stars are well on their way to a happily ever after.

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